Health Tips

Skip Energy Drink When You are Tired

Skip Energy Drink When You are Tired

Some times you must skip energy drink consumption to avoid fatigue, dizziness. Let me tell you why? Energy drinks boost energy levels but some people also feel tired after consuming energy drinks. Energy drinks contain caffeine which makes you feel you are more alert and energized instantly. While caffeinated energy drinks give you an energy …

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Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss

Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss

Practicing breathing exercise for weight loss? Yeah, you heard it right, we are talking about breathing exercises which can help you to lose weight and can boost your entire weight loss process. There are several studies claiming that breathing exercise may help to promote weight loss and burn fat. A study has shown that people …

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Laughter therapy

Laughter Therapy – Laughter Can Actually Improve Mental Health

We all have heard the phrase that Laughter is the best medicine and it’s actually true. Laughter therapy improves mental health by reducing stress, improving mood, soothing tension, strengthening relationships and increasing personal satisfaction. When you laugh your blood pressure and heart rate increase and then decrease, as a result of which you feel better …

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

CBT – I Technique (The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia)

CBT-I or The Cognitive Behavioral therapy for Insomnia is a short term therapy model which is used to treat insomnia without any medication. Insomnia is a problem where people face difficulties to fall asleep and this CBT-I technique helps to improve the sleeping habit by identifying and changing the thoughts which affect the ability to …

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Eating Nuts

Did You Know Eating Nuts Everyday May Help Lower Your Depression Risk?

Nuts are good source of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. You must be knowing that eating nuts can be helpful for weight management, controlling diabetes, prevention of heart disease and improving cholesterol but did you know nuts help in lowering depression risk too? Yes, a recent research shows that eating a handful of …

Did You Know Eating Nuts Everyday May Help Lower Your Depression Risk? Read More »