What’s PCOD? PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical condition in which a woman’s ovaries release large numbers of either immature or partially mature eggs which become cysts over time. It is caused by the combination of hormonal imbalance and genetic tendencies. In this condition ovaries start becoming enlarged and secrete male hormone (Androgens) which causes infertility. Almost 10% of women are suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Disease around the world.
Reasons Behind PCOD
Now we all know What’s PCOD, but do you know why ovaries produce immature eggs? The main reasons behind this are unhealthy lifestyle, stress, poor diet, overweight, having too much junk food, lack of exercise and hormonal imbalance. All these things accelerate the process of producing immature eggs. And over the time this causes cyst in ovaries and once ovaries begin to develop cysts there are high chances that they become larger in size and start producing androgen.
Symptoms of PCOD
Most common symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Disease is irregular periods/menstrual cycle. So if you are facing this problem for a long period of time then you should consult with your doctor. Hair loss, Acne, Unwanted hair growth in different body parts like chest, belly, face and abnormal weight gain are also symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disease.
Side Effects of PCOD
Generally Polycystic Ovarian Diseaseis a hormonal disorder not a disease. If you do not get proper treatment at the right time then you might suffer from severe PCOD side effects. These are:
This reduces the frequency of ovulation in a woman and for that your period cycle will delay and also causes other menstrual problems which all can lead you to infertility.
PCOD causes insulin resistance so if Polycystic Ovarian Disease is not treated properly on time then it can cause you diabetes.
Heart Disease
PCOD increases the blood pressure so it may lead you to suffer from different heart related issues.
Endometrial Cancer
The inner lining of the uterus is called Endometrium. PCOD delays ovulation and because of that it increases the chances of Endometrial Cancer.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease causes hormonal imbalance in women’s bodies and because of that most of the PCOD suffering women deal with depression.
PCOD and Pregnancy
During the reproductive age of women Polycystic Ovarian Disease has become very common problem among them. This causes infertility so if a woman is having Polycystic Ovarian Disease and wants to have a baby then it can be harder to get pregnant but there are a number of fertility treatments available which can help women to get pregnant. Further, with the combination of doctors prescribed medicine and lifestyle changes women can get pregnant. But remember PCOD increases the chances of Miscarriage, Gestational diabetes, premature birth and High blood pressure during pregnancy. Hence, doctor’s consultation must be needed.
Is PCOD Curable?
There is no complete cure of Polycystic Ovarian Disease but you can control it by maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle, doing regular exercise and being active. This will help you to control PCOD problems. Consulting with your doctor periodically is highly advisable for females to maintain a healthy lifestyle in future.
Diagnosis of PCOD
There is no particular test which can confirm that the person is suffering from PCOD condition. Only your doctor can tell you about this by checking your medical history and symptoms. Your doctor can also recommend a pelvic examination, blood test to check the hormone levels and Ultrasound to check the ovaries and uterus.
Treatment for PCOD
Can Polycystic Ovarian Disease be cured? The answer is no.
There is no specific medication for Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Certain changes in lifestyle can help you to manage PCOD but there is no medication which can completely cure PCOD. There are 4 possible methods of treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Disease.
- Ayurveda treatment by usage of natural herbs
- Surgical Method
- Yoga and Exercise
- Home treatment
However, losing weight is the best possible method to get rid of Polycystic Ovarian Disease.
Natural Remedies for PCOD

By making lifestyle changes, losing weight and bringing changes in your diet you can treat your PCOD to some extent. Managing healthy weight gives a way to maintain PCOD. Apart from these, there are some more home remedies for PCOD which can help you to reduce the problem of Polycystic Ovarian Disease.
Carb and Protein intake
Having balanced carb and protein intake can impact the hormones of a woman and this can help you to stay energetic and control insulin level which may help in PCOD condition.
Soaked Fenugreek Seeds
Weight management is very important in Polycystic Ovarian Disease and Fenugreek seed is very good for weight loss. Soaked Fenugreek seeds are very good for weight loss whicle you consume with honey in an empty stomach in the morning, before lunch and dinner.
FlaxSeed and Water
Flax seed helps in maintaining normal length between ovulation and menstruation. It is also a high source of Omega fats and fiber hence, it is also very good for weight loss. For best result consume this with water and drink it on a daily basis.
Honey and Lime
A misture of honey and lukewarm water is good for weight loss. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. It is very beneficial in weight loss as well as an effective home treatment for PCOD.
There are many simple exercises which can be done at home and this can help you cope with the Polycystic Ovarian Disease problems. Simple activities like walking, jogging, swimming are very effective.
Stress is one of the reasons for Polycystic Ovarian Disease. Doing yoga, meditation, getting enough sleep and cutting caffeine from your daily diet are the most effective ways to reduce stress.
I hope we have answered your question of what’s PCOD and what are their natural treatment through this article however, the growing rate of PCOD among women are putting their life in risk. Polycystic Ovarian Disease is now a very common problem among women around the world. If you are diagnosed with PCOD, do not lose hope, just focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, maintaining weight and reducing stress you can control the desease to some extent.
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Very informative and nicely explained article.
Looking for more of such content.