2nd Trimester Miscarriage

2nd Trimester Miscarriage

2nd trimester miscarriage is like very preterm delivery which results in pregnancy loss. It’s also called a fetal demise of the fetus. A loss at this time of pregnancy is often a sad experience for a woman. You may not experience symptoms and get to know about the miscarriage until your doctor detects this during the routine checkup. Research shows it is estimated that as many as 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Hence, pregnancy miscarriage has become a very important concern to discuss and find the solution. So to help you gather every types of knowledge on it we have provided all the important information about this below.

When Does the Second Trimester Begin?

Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters, 1st Trimester, 2nd Trimester and 3rd Trimester. The second trimester begins from week 13 and ends at week 26.

What is Pregnancy Miscarriage?

Miscarriage is a loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks. As the name suggests the miscarriage means something went wrong in carrying the pregnancy. Most miscarriages are not in your control and may happen as the fetus stops growing.

Symptoms of Miscarriage in Second Trimester

The symptoms of 2nd trimester miscarriage is mostly similar to the 1st trimester. Bleeding during the 2nd trimester is a most common symptom of miscarriage. Painful cramp in the lower abdomen is also a prominent symptom of miscarriage. Some women may also notice that the baby’s movement has slowed down during the 2nd trimester which is also a symptom of miscarriage. So if you feel any of these symptoms during the 2nd trimester then consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes you may not notice any sing of miscarriage and you get to know about this during your routine checkup. This can come up to you as shocking news or as a painful truth which is hard to believe but yes there are several cases where women didn’t feel anything like bleeding or abdominal cramps but the miscarriage happened.

Causes of 2nd Trimester Miscarriage

It’s important to know what are the possible causes behind the pregnancy loss. 2nd trimester miscarriage can vary from woman to woman. Most miscarriages happen due to the problems of the baby’s development. However, there are a few more causes which can lead you to pregnancy miscarriage.

Chromosome or Genetic Abnormalities

A baby’s chromosomes develop at the time of conception. The baby receives half of its chromosomes from each parent. But sometimes things can go wrong and things may not happen in the same way. The fetus can receive too many or not enough chromosomes or a too long or too short individual chromosome. As a result of which the baby may not develop normally and this abnormality can cause an early or late miscarriage. However, some babies can survive with this abnormality but are born with lifetime disabilities like Downs Syndrome, Patau Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome etc.

Long Term Health Condition

Several long term and chronic diseases can increase the chances of miscarriage if they are not treated or well controlled. For example: Diabetes, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Thyroid Disease, Kidney Disease, Lupus.


Uterine infection is one of the possible causes of miscarriage. Severe uterine infection can increase the risk of miscarriage. Those infections are; Bacterial Vaginosis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, Viral Vaginitis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Womb Structure

Abnormalities in womb structure can also lead a woman to 2nd trimester miscarriage. Non-cancerous growth in the womb which is called fibroids can increase chances of miscarriage. An unusually shaped womb also can lead you to miscarriage at this stage of the pregnancy.

Weekend Cervix

If your muscle of the cervix is weaker than usual then you are at a higher risk of miscarriage. Cervix should stay closed tightly during pregnancy but if this is weaker than usual one then it will open early as your baby grows and lead you to miscarriage.

Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)

APS is an autoimmune condition where the excessive antibodies get produced and increases the risk of blood clotting. This affects the blood flow and creates blockage in blood vessels. This can block the blood supply to the placenta and restricts the flow of nutrients to the growing baby. Women with this disorder have a high chance of experiencing miscarriage.

Abdominal Trauma

Any kind of abdominal trauma like car accident, accidental fall or any injury in abdomen can cause miscarriage. So at this stage of pregnancy women should be more careful while traveling and walking.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can happen by eating contaminated foods and this can lead you to miscarriage. Consumption of unpasteurized dairy products, raw and undercooked meat and raw or partly cooked eggs are risky during pregnancy as they contain bacteria like salmonella, listeriosis which are very harmful for a pregnant woman.

Other Causes

There are several other things which increase the chances of miscarriage. If you are obese, if you smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs and drink too much caffeine during pregnancy then these will lead you to miscarriage.

Foods that Cause Miscarriage in Second Trimester

There are some foods which are not allowed to be eaten throughout your pregnancy journey. Those foods can cause miscarriage.

  • Pineapple
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Crab
  • Animal Liver
  • Papaya
  • Drumstick
  • Raw Dairy Products
  • Mercury Rich Fish
  • Raw Sprouts
  • Peach
  • Processed Meat
  • Sprouted Potato
  • Too Much Caffeine
  • Aloe Vera
  • Wild Apple

Treatment for Miscarriage in the 2nd Trimester

Surgical Evacuation

This procedure is called dilation and evacuation. This procedure is performed by the doctors within the 24 weeks of 2nd trimester pregnancy miscarriage. This is a procedure of removing the pregnancy through the cervix. Doctor opens the cervix to remove the pregnancy while you are asleep in the operation theater. Your doctor may open the cervix about 1-2 inches in diameter depending upon pregnancy and your individual circumstance.

The procedure involves; tablets which are put in the vagina up to 24 hours before the procedure, tablets to hold between cheek and gums for 30 minutes before the procedure and placing thin sticks in your cervix for 4 to 24 hours to absorb water from the cervix.

Medical Management

It is a very common medical treatment when someone experiences miscarriage in the 2nd trimester. In this case doctors recommend to take 1 or 2 medicines for dilation of cervix and allow the fetus or placenta to come out through vagina. This procedure needs to be done under medical supervision.

After Treatment of a Second Trimester Loss

Even after the treatment of miscarriage in the 2nd trimester bleeding may continue for some period of time and it will get lighter over time. Cramping in the lower abdomen may stay for a few days as well.

Avoid douching, intercourse and using tampons for at least a week. If you feel your bleeding is getting heavier over time and any unpleasant vaginal odor occurs then contact your doctor immediately.

Final Thought

Miscarriage in late pregnancy is the most heart wrenching feeling for a mother especially, when it happens in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Be careful about your health condition to avoid a 2nd trimester miscarriage. If you have already experienced a pregnancy miscarriage in your life and you are pregnant again then you must consult with your doctor. A miscarriage in prior pregnancy doesn’t mean you are at a higher risk, women can have a healthy pregnancy even after that.

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1 thought on “2nd Trimester Miscarriage”

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