Natural Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Natural Treatment for Depression and Anxiety: Facts about Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety both have become common issues nowadays. The rates of these two disorders are increasing day by day. As per a report published by WHO, depression has ranked as the single contributor to the global disability and it’s the 2nd leading cause of death between 15 to 49 years old. On the other hand, a study shows an estimation of 31.1% of U.S. adults suffer from anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. But we can fight these disorders. There are some natural treatments which people can try to overcome from these. The natural treatment for depression and anxiety is highly effective and recommended to apply on the 1st stage of the depression and anxiety disorders. But before going into this, first let’s understand what is depression and anxiety and their causes.

What is Depression?

Depression which is also known as major depressive disorder is a common and serious illness which negatively affects how you feel, how you act and mostly the way you think. According to a study an estimated 5% of adults suffer from depression globally. There are different types of depressions. Depression causes feelings of sadness or loss of interest in activities which can lead you to multiple physical and emotional problems. This can decrease your functionality at work and home. But the good thing about depression is it’s a treatable disorder.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear and uneasiness and it might make you feel sweaty, restless and tense. For example, you may feel anxious when you face a difficult situation and this is normal for everybody but if you have anxiety disorder then the fear is not temporary. It can affect daily activities and can get worse day by day.

Are Depression and Anxiety the Same Thing?

Depression and anxiety are two different disorders. However, there are some common causes and treatments for both. These two disorders can occur at the same time as well.

Differences between Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are 2 different disorders. Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, loss of energy and on the other hand anxiety creates the feeling of nervousness, fear and worry. Also, anxiety and depression fall into different classifications of mental disorders and sometimes treated with different medication. However, you can experience both these disorders at the same time.

Severe Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

There are some symptoms of anxiety and depression through which you can recognize whether a person is suffering from any of them either.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms:
  • Excessive Panic, worry, fear and uneasiness
  • Sleep problem
  • Unable to stay calm and still
  • Cold, numb & sweaty hands or feet
  • Shortness of breath or fast breathe
  • Heart palpitation
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Tense muscles
  • Dizziness
  • Thinking about a problem over and over
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Intensely avoiding feared objects or places
Symptoms of Depression:
  • Persistent sad, anxious or “empty” mood
  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in everything
  • Sleeping too much or waking up too early
  • Having no appetite and losing weight
  • Feeling tired‚ even after sleeping well
  • Thinking about suicide or hurting yourself
  • Having trouble to concentrate, remembering details or making decisions

What are The Causes of Depression and Anxiety?

Causes of Depression:

There are many aspects that can increase the chances of depression. These are:


If you have a family history of depression or mood disorder then you are most likely to have depression however, you can also have depression without having any family history of it.

Stressful Life Events

Stressful life events like death of loved ones, trauma, divorce, isolation, lack of emotional support can trigger depression.

Medical Conditions

Certain health conditions can lead you to depression. If you are suffering from chronic illness, insomnia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, heart attack, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease then there are high chances that you may experience depression.

Substance Use

Substance or alcohol misuse can trigger depression.

Abuse and Childhood Trauma

Physical, Sexual or emotional abuse and any kind of childhood trauma can make you more vulnerable which may lead you to depression later on.

Hormone Levels

Changes in hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in a female body during menstrual cycle, postpartum period and menopause may increase the risk of depression. Women who suffer from PCOD or PCOS also go through hormonal imbalance which can cause them to suffer from depression. Further, a past study states major depressive episode is higher among adult females compared to males.

Causes of Anxiety:

Anxiety disorder is one type of the mental illnesses. Everyone feels anxiety in their life at some point of time but it is hard to know that which causes the anxiety problem. There are different factors which may play a role in developing anxiety disorder. These are:


If you are experiencing stress for a long period of time then it can lead you to anxiety disorder. Stressful life events like death of loved ones, trauma, divorce, financial stress can lead you to anxiety.

Medical Problems

Some medical problems like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Thyroid problem, Asthma can lead you to anxiety.

Drugs and Alcohol

Drug misuse and withdrawal, alcohol withdrawal can cause severe anxiety attack at the initial stage.

Family Inheritance

If you have a family history of anxiety disorder then you may inherit anxiety disorder from them.

Do Anxiety and Depression Go Hand in Hand?

According to the CDC Depression and anxiety disorders often go hand in hand and both are intimately related. Now you must be asking how anxiety and depression are related? It is possible that one type of mental disorder favors the appearance of another one over time. Anxiety can occur as a symptom of clinical depression and depression can also be triggered by anxiety disorder.

Do Depression and Anxiety Cause Memory Loss?

Depression and anxiety can lead you to memory related problems like forgetfulness and short-term memory loss. Both of these mental disorders affect your nervous system and because of that they can make it difficult to concentrate on your work or other activities.

Diagnosis of Anxiety and Depression

If you are having symptoms of anxiety disorder then you must consult with your doctor. Your doctor will perform a physical exam first then will ask you about your medical history and may perform some other tests to see whether any other health condition is causing those symptoms or not. Your doctor also may ask you about if you are already taking any medicine. If your doctor finds no signs of physical illness then they can refer you to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will observe your attitude and behavior, discuss how your symptoms affect your daily life then they may tell you about your anxiety disorder. There is no specific lab test which can diagnose anxiety disorder.

On the other hand, doctors diagnose depression based on the understanding of your symptoms, medical history & mental illness. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to see whether any other health condition is causing depressive symptoms. The doctor will observe your attitude and behavior. Further, for a better understanding the doctor will discuss with you on your depression symptoms. Then only the doctor will be able to tell you if you are suffering from depression or not.


There are different ways to help depression and anxiety patients however, medication and psychotherapy are the most effective ways to treat depression. Your doctor can prescribe medicine to improve anxiety symptoms.

If you are suffering from severe depression then you may need to stay in hospital or participate in an outpatient treatment program until your symptoms improve.

Medication can’t cure anxiety disorder but it can improve anxiety symptoms and can help you function better. Several specific forms of psychotherapy are also beneficial for anxiety disorder.

Natural Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Apart from doctor’s treatments there are some natural ways to help you with anxiety and depression.

Now you must be thinking how to naturally treat anxiety and depression? Is it even possible? The answer is yes, Anxiety and depression both can be treated naturally at your home. You just need to maintain a few things. So if you want to overcome these 2 disorders on your own then there is no harm to go with natural treatment for depression and anxiety.

Stay Active

Workout or exercise and doing yoga make you stay active and take your mind off from the issues which bother you and improve the symptoms of anxiety and depression. At least 30 minutes of exercise every day can give you good results.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile can help you with anxiety disorder and also offers relief from depressive symptoms. A cup of chamomile tea is good for calming your frayed nerves and promotes sleep.


Several essential oils can be used in aromatherapy which can soothe or relax your mind, help you sleep, boost your mood and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Regular practice of meditation can help you overcome stress, reduces anxiety and manages depression. This natural treatment for anxiety and depression is more effective and a traditional method to control their symptoms.

Deep Breathing Exercise

Rapid breathing is one of the common symptoms of anxiety and this can increase your heart rate and the risk of panic attack. Deliberately deep and measured breathing restores the normal breathing and helps to reduce anxiety.

Quit Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

People often smoke and drink alcohol during stress. Research shows that smoking or drinking alcohol can worsen the symptoms of anxiety and depression, so it’s good to quit smoking and drinking to reduce both depression and anxiety.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a known stimulant and it can worsen anxiety disorder. Also this can cause you panic attacks. Caffeine intake at a moderate rate is safe for most people.

Music Therapy

According to a journal published in NCBI music therapy can be used as a non-invasive method to reduce the feeling of anxiety and depression. Music helps to calm the mind and reduces overall symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Go Outdoors

Making an effort to go outside and have some fresh air can be very beneficial for physical and mental health.

Get Enough Sleep

Depression and anxiety can make it harder to get enough sleep. Make some lifestyle changes, go to sleep at the right time, and wake up in the morning every day. This can help you to control both anxiety and depression.

Maintain Healthy Diet

Diet is associated with mood. Reduce your sugar intake and eat as much vitamin rich foods as you can. By improving your eating habits you can reduce the depression symptoms.

Do Something New

Push yourself to do something different, try to have fun, plan things, go to watch movies, spend some time with friends or go out with them. All these can enlighten your mood.

Final Thoughts:

Depression and anxiety are not a taboo word anymore. People are coming out to talk about those disorders. So if you or your loved one is suffering from such mental disorders then you can try these natural treatments. For better results you should start taking natural treatment for depression and anxiety at the early stage of those disorders. Further, if you find that the anxiety or depression symptoms are becoming severe day by day then it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

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